Software Development

Are you looking for professionals to develop new software? Or do you need someone to maintain or update your existing applications? Do you want to extract more value from your data? Do you want to automate your processes? Are you looking for meaningful reports or easy-to-understand dashboards?

We have been doing application development and data management for a long time. We know our way on different platforms and in various development environments. We’ve built and maintained desktop and client-server applications for public and private institutions, large and small companies. 

We are also experienced listeners and put your needs and demands first. Continuous feedback and customer input is our main drive to deliver the most possible value to you.


You have a great idea for a new software application. You have a great team to develop it. You’ve set aside money, personnel and time to start up this project. But you want to be sure that the money and time is well spent and that the team can function optimally.

So you need somebody to steer things in the right direction. You need someone to plan and guide the processes. You need to be kept in the loop but do not want to have to babysit. You need a project manager.

We can help. We believe in Agile project management and we believe in Scrum. No more endless meetings, no more money-pits. No more having to wait for months or even years before something is delivered. We deliver value from the start.


To do business nowadays, it is unavoidable to have a web presence. To get prospects or to support existing customers you need a web site. When you want to make use of modern technology, you can provide a mobile app for your clients.

More and more businesses transfer their applications and their data to the cloud. When working with web applications, better integration with other applications, better security and reduced costs of doing business are made possible.

We offer a large range of services, from web site design to search engine optimization to social media integration, from mobile apps to online dashboards to full blown web applications.


Everybody wants change, but nobody wants to change. You’ve probably heard this little piece of wisdom before, maybe even had to smile a bit. It is true however: change is necessary for progress, but it is also hard  to realize.

 What’s more, change is doomed to fail if the realization that change is necessary is not carried throughout the whole organization. From the board of directors to the guys and gals who put the nuts and bolts on in the workplace, the need for change must be evident and a willingness to face its difficulties must be present.

That is where change management comes in. To overcome those difficulties and to find possibilities. To estimate the risks and find ways to reduce them. But above all to help and support the organization and its people to accept and adjust to change.